Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2016


Jede Menge Country- und Western-Songs

"Singalong Concert" in der Amerikanischen Bibliothek

Freitag, 3. Juni, 19:30 Uhr
Ameri­ka­ni­sche Bibliothek, Kanalweg 52 (Smiley Barracks)

Bereits zum fünften Mal veranstaltet die Amerikanische Bibliothek in ihren Räumen in den Smiley Barracks das „Singalong Concert". 

Andy Riedinger, Tom Fischer und J. S. Schmidt spielen jede Menge Country- und Western-Songs von John Denver, Ralph Mc Tell, Garth Brooks, Everly Brothers und vielen anderen. Der Eintritt ist frei.

Singalong Concert

Friday, June 3rd at 19.30
If you enjoyed the last five concerts at the American Library, this will be just the right thing for you: "Baton Rouge", which are Andy Riedinger, Tom Fischer and JS Schmidt, who have been making music together for 40 years, will play a whole bunch of country & folk songs by John Denver, Ralph McTell, Garth Brooks, Ian Tyson, Everly Brothers... and many more.

Feel free to sing along (don’t worry, we’ll provide the texts) and tap along and join us for a glass of Kentucky Bourbon or non-alcoholic beverages during inter­mis­sion.


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